The good mood.

In the school library waiting for my Alexander-technique class.

Today was the first day in a while that I actually felt like I did a whole class properly and good.
Since I came here and saw people with legs up their ears i've been lacking a bit confidence in my own ability which on the other hand has shown great results now with stronger body, higher legs, more flexibility and mostly a new way of seeing dance and choreographing. Feels like my intellect is on a whole new level.
But as I said first.. Today I felt like I was good and I got my first "i'm impressed, Daniel. Your body has finally started to take in all the information" from my contemporaryteacher after class.
Makes me happy. But can't relax. Doing this is all about pushing yourself beyond all limits which I will do as long as i'm in this business.

Enough said. Time to stretch.


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